Monday, February 14, 2011

Summer Time, and the Livin' is Easy!!!

Oh my G!!! My prayers have been answered. Terry wants me to be his clerical this summer so badly, he offered me my room for free for the entire summer plus 30-40 hours of work/week! I'm ecstatic. This solves all my problems. I will be able to work lots of hours doing thing I like to do, make lots of money, be able to work my speedway job, be able to do 2 shows, and live on campus (for free!!!!) without having to be an RA. Terry told made my Valentine's Day a happy one! I really didn't want to be a summer RA. PLUS, I get to stay in my own room, so I won't have to move! Things couldn't be better!

This is why networking is SSOOO important!! I'm proud of me!

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